授業・セミナー/雑誌会 2016年度
Last-modified: 2022-02-07 (月) 11:49:41
Top_page / 授業・セミナー/雑誌会 2016年度
- 2016/4/20
- Presenter:"Takashi Arikawa"
- paper:"Selective Dinitrogen Conversion to Ammonia Using Water and Visible
Light through Plasmon-induced Charge Separation"
T. Oshikiri, K. Ueno, H. Misawa, ANGEW. CHEM. INT. ED., 55, 3942 (2016).
- Presenter:"Takashi Arikawa"
- 2016/4/27
- Presenter:"Masayuki Watanabe"
- paper:"All-optical control and metrology of electron pulses"
C. Kealhofer et al., Science 352 (6284), 429-433.
- 2016/5/18
- Presenter:"Hideki Hirori"
- paper:"Lightwave-driven quasiparticle collisions on a subcycle timescale
F. Langer et al.,Nature 533, 225–229.
- 2016/5/25
- Presenter:"Nobuko Naka"
- paper:"Observation of High Angular Momentum Excitons in Cuprous Oxide
J. Thewes et al.,PRL 115, 027402 (2015)
- 2016/5/25
- Presenter:"Koichiro Tanaka"
- paper:"Efficient metallic spintronic emitters of ultrabroadband terahertz radiation"
T. Seifert et al,Nature Photonics2016 ,doi:10.1038/nphoton.2016.91
- 2016/6/8
- Presenter:"Ryoichi Sakata"
- paper:"Evaluation of effective electric permittivity and magnetic permeability in metamaterial slabs by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy"
Yosuke Minowa et al.,Opt. Express 16, 4785-4796 (2008)
- 2016/6/15
- Presenter:"Yasuyuki Sanari"
- paper:"Coherent terahertz control of antiferromagnetic spin waves"
Tobias Kampfrath et al,Nature Photonics 5, 31–34 (2011) doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.259
- 2016/6/22
- Presenter:"Shun Okahiro"
- paper:"Role of domain walls in the abnormal photovoltaic effect in BiFeO3"
Bhatnagar, Akash, et al.,Nature communications 4 (2013)
- 2016/6/29
- Presenter:"Akane Okamoto"
- paper:"Spinon confinement in the one-dimensional Ising-like antiferromagnet SrCo2V2O8"
Zhe Wang,M. Schmidt, et al.,Phys. Rev. B 91, 140404(R)
- 2016/7/13
- Presenter:"Takaaki Shimomura"
- paper:"Picosecond dynamics of free and bound excitons in doped diamond"
J. Barjon et al.PHYSICAL REVIEW B 93, 115202 (2016)
- 2016/7/20
- Presenter:"Shohei Morimoto"
- paper:"Nanogap-Enhanced Terahertz Sensing of 1 nm Thick (λ/10^6) Dielectric Films"
Hyeong-Ryeol Park et al., ASC Photonics, 2, 417-424, 2015
- 2016/7/27
- Presenter:"Kazuki Konishi"
- paper:"Generation, transport and detection of valley-polarized electrons in diamond"
Jan Isberg et al., NATURE MATERIALS 12, 760–764 (2013)
- 2016/8/31
- Presenter:"Tomoaki Ichii"
- paper:"Excitonic correlation in the Mott crossover regime in Ge"
F. Sekiguchi et al., Phys. Rev. B 91 155202 (2015)
- 2016/9/28
- Presenter:"Satoshi Kusaba"
- paper:"The valley Hall effect in MoS2 transistors"
K.F.Mak, K.L.McGill, J. Park, P.L.McEuen, Science, Vol 344, Issue 6191(2014)
- 2016/10/5
- Presenter:"Naotaka Yoshikawa"
- paper:"Optical manipulation of valley pseudospin"
Ziliang Ye, Dezheng Sun, and Tony F. Heinz ,Nature Physics, 10, 1038 (2016).
- 2016/10/12
- Presenter:"Kento Uchida"
- paper:"Subcycle measurement of intensity correlations in the terahertz frequency range"
Ileana-Cristina Benea-Chelmus, Christopher Bonzon,et al.Phys. Rev. A 93, 043812(2016)
- 2016/10/26
- Presenter:"Mitsuyoshi Takahata"
- paper:"Quantum chaos and breaking of all anti-unitary symmetries in Rydberg excitons"
Marc Aßmann, Johannes Thewes, Dietmar Fröhlich and Manfred Bayer, Nature Materials (2016).
- 2016/11/2
- Presenter:"Yu Mukai"
- paper:"Quantized Faraday and Kerr rotation and axion electrodynamics of the surface states of three-dimensional topological insulators"
L. Wu, M. Salehi, N. Koirala,et al. arXiv:1603.04317v3 cond-mat.mes-hall, (2016).
- 2016/11/9
- Presenter:"Takashi Arikawa"
- paper:"Phase-locked laser arrays through global antenna mutual coupling"
Tsung-Yu Kao, John L. Reno & Qing Hu Nature Photonics 10, 541–546 (2016).
- Presenter:"Takashi Arikawa"
- 2016/11/30
- Presenter:"Masayuki Watanabe"
- paper:"Electron-Hole Recombination Time at TiO2 Single-Crystal Surfaces:Influence of Surface Band Bending"
K. Ozawa et al.,J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2014, 5 (11), pp 1953
- 2016/12/7
- Presenter:"Hideki Hirori"
- paper:"Tracking the ultrafast motion of a single molecule by femtosecond
orbital imaging"
Tyler L. Cocker et al.,Nature 539, 263–267(2016)
- 2016/12/21
- Presenter:"Nobuko Naka"
- paper:"Rotational Doppler effect in nonlinear optics"
G. Li et al.,Nature Physics 12, 736 (2016)
- 2017/1/18
- Presenter:"Koichiro Tanaka"
- paper:"High-harmonic generation from an atomically thin semiconductor"
Hanzhe Liu et al,.Nature Physics,doi:10.1038/nphys3946(2016)
- 2017/1/25
- Presenter:"Kazuki Konishi"
- paper:"Investigation of transferred-electron oscillations in diamond"
N. Suntornwipat et al,.Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 212104 (2016); doi:10.1063/1.4952766
- 2017/2/8
- Presenter:"Ryoichi Sakata"
- paper:"Crossover from capacitive to inductive electromagnetic responses in near self-complementary metallic checkerboard patterns"
K. Takano et al,. Opt. Express 22, 24787-24795 (2014)
- 2017/2/15
- Presenter:"Yasuyuki Sanari"
- paper:"Carrier-Multiplication-Induced Structural Change during Ultrafast Carrier Relaxation and Nonthermal Phase Transition in Semiconductors"
J. Bang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 126402 (2016)
- 2017/2/22
- Presenter:"Shun Okahiro"
- paper:"Probing photoexcited carriers in a few-layer
mos2 laminate by time-resolved optical pump–terahertz probe
S. Kar et al., ACS nano 9.12 (2015)
- 2017/3/1
- Presenter:"Akane Okamoto"
- paper:"Signatures of coherent propagation of blue polaritons in Cu
J. Schmutzler et al., Phys. Rev. B 87, 245202 (2013)