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Journal Publications

Last-modified: 2022-02-18 (F) 13:56:42
Top / Journal Publications



I. Katayama, H. Aoki, J. Takeda, H. Shimosato, M. Ashida, R. Kinjo, I. Kawayama, M. Tonouchi, M. Nagai, and K. Tanaka "Ferroelectric soft mode in a SrTiO3 thin film impulsively driven t,o the anharmonic regime using intense picosecond terahertz pulses", Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 097401 (2012).


DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett?.108.097401



H.Hirori, K.Shinokita, M.Shirai, S.Tani, Y.Kadoya, and K.Tanaka "Extraordinary Carrier Multiplication Gated by a Picosecond Electric Field Pulse", Nature Communications 2,594 (2011).

DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1598


Nobuyuki Magome, Giedrius Kanaporis, Nicolas Moisan, Koichiro Tanaka and Konstantin Agladze, "Photo-Control of Excitation Waves in Cardiomyocyte Tissue Culture" TISSUE ENGINEERING: Part A, Volume 17, Numbers 21 and 22, 2011

DOI: 10.1089/ten.tea.2010.0745


Atsushi Doi, François Blanchard, Tomoko Tanaka and Koichiro Tanaka, "Improving Spatial Resolution of Real-Time Terahertz Near-Field Microscope", Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves 32, 1043 (2011).


Toshiro KOHMOTO, Yuka KOYAMA, Takeshi MORIYASU, Hidekazu OKAMURA, Yasuhiro YAMADA, and Koichiro TANAKA、"Photoinduced Dynamics in Pure and Ca-Doped SrTiO3 Studied by Transient Birefringence and Absorption Measurements", J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80 104605 (2011).


Takanori Okada and Koichiro Tanaka, "Photo-designed terahertz devices", Sci. Rep. 1, 121; DOI:10.1038/srep00121 (2011).


Yosuke Minowa, Masaya Nagai, Hu Tao, Kebin Fan, A. C. Strikwerda, Xin Zhang, Richard D. Averitt, and Koichiro Tanaka, "Extremely thin metamaterial as slab waveguide at terahertz frequencies", accepted for the publication in the IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology (2011).


Kazufumi Ooi, Takanori Okada, and Koichiro Tanaka, "Mimicking electromagnetically induced transparency by spoof surface plasmons", accepted for the publication in PRB (2011).


H. Watanabe, N. Bréfuel, S. Mouri, J.-P. Tuchagues, E. Collet and K. Tanaka, "Dynamical separation of spin and lattice degrees of freedom in the relaxation process from the photo-induced state", accepted for the publication in EPL (2011).


Koichiro Tanaka, Hideki Hirori, and Masaya Nagai, "THz Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Solids", accepted for the publication in the IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology (2011).


F. Blanchard, A. Doi, T. Tanaka, H. Hirori, H. Tanaka, Y. Kadoya, and K. Tanaka, "Real-time terahertz near-field microscope," Opt. Express 19, 8277-8284 (2011).


M. Hishida and K. Tanaka, "Long-range hydration effect of lipid membrane studied by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy", Phys. Rev. Lett. 106.158102 (2011).



T. Koshiyama, M. Shirai, T. Hikage, H. Tabe, K. Tanaka, T. Ueno and S. Kitagawa, "Post-Crystal Engineering of Zinc-Substituted Myoglobin to Construct a Long-lived Photo-induced Charge Separation System", Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Volume 50, Issue 17, April 18, 2011; DOI: 10.1002/anie.201008004



H. Hirori, A. Doi, F. Blanchar, and K. Tanaka, "Single-cycle terahertz pulses with amplitudes exceeding 1 MV/cm generated by optical rectification in LiNbO3", Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 091106 (2011); doi:10.1063/1.3560062



T. Okada, S. Tsuji, K. Tanaka, K. Hirao, and K. Tanaka, "Transmission property of surface plasmon and localized resonance in semiconductor hole arrays", Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 261111 (2010).


Nicolas Bréfuel, Eric Collet, Hiroshi Watanabe, Masaaki Kojima, Naohide Matsumoto, Loic Toupet, Koichiro Tanaka and Jean-Pierre Tuchagues, " Nanoscale Self-Hosting of Molecular Spin-States in the Intermediate Phase of a Spin-Crossover Material", Chemistry – A European Journal, 16 (47), 14060-14068 (2010).

DOI: 10.1002/chem.201001264


K. Shinokita, H. Hirori, M. Nagai, N. Satoh, Y. Kadoya, and K. Tanaka, "Dynamical Franz–Keldysh effect in GaAs?/AlGaAs? multiple quantum wells induced by single-cycle terahertz pulses", App. Phys. Lett. 97 211902 (2010).


Mukesh Jewariya, Masaya Nagai, and Koichiro Tanaka, "Ladder Climbing on the Anharmonic Intermolecular Potential in an Amino Acid Microcrystal via an Intense Monocycle Terahertz Pulse", Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 203003 (2010).


A Doi, F Blanchard, H Hirori, K Tanaka, “Near-field THz imaging of free induction decay from a tyrosine crystal”, OPTICS EXPRESS 18, 18419 (2010).


Takanori Okada, Kazufumi Ooi, Yosuke Nakata, Koji Fujita, Katsuhisa Tanaka, and Koichiro Tanaka, “Direct creation of a photoinduced metallic structure and its optical properties in the terahertz frequency region”, Optics Letters, Vol. 35, (10), pp. 1719-1721 (2010). doi:10.1364/OL.35.001719


H. Hirori, M. Nagai, and K. Tanaka, "Excitonic Interactions with Intense Terahertz Pulses in ZnSe?/ZnMgSSe Multiple Quantum Wells", Phys. Rev. B 81, 081305(R) (2010). (Editor's suggestion)


Koyama Y.; Moriyasu T.; Okamura E.; Yamada Y.; Tanaka K.; Kohmoto T. Doping-induced ferroelectric phase transition in strontium titanate: Observation of birefringence and coherent phonons under ultraviolet illumination Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 2010;81(2):024104 - 024104-6




Uffe Moller, David G Cooke, Koichiro Tanaka, Peter Uhd Jepsen, "Terahertz reflection spectroscopy of Debye relaxation in polar liquids", J Opt Soc Am B 26 (9) A113-A125 (2009).


Yoshiaki Nakano, Motonobu Takahashi, Masafumi Sakata, Hideki Yamochi, Gunzi Saitoc, Koichiro Tanaka, "Charge ordering state of mixed-valence (TP-EDTT)3(PF6)2", SyntheticMetals159 (2009) 2381–2383


Nicolas Brefuel , Hiroshi Watanabe, Loic Toupet, Jeremy Come, Naohide Matsumoto, Eric Collet, Koichiro Tanaka, Jean-Pierre Tuchagues, "Concerted Spin Crossover and Symmetry Breaking Yield Three Thermally and One Light-Induced Crystallographic Phases of a Molecular Material", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 9304 –9307


X.F. Shao, Y. Nakano, G. Saito, K. Yakushi, S. Koshihara, K. Tanaka, H. Yamochi, "The effect of a methyl group incorporated in EDO-TTF", Physica B, in press.


N.O. Moussa, D. Ostrovskii, V.M. Garcia, G. Molnár, K. Tanaka, A.B. Gaspar, J.A. Real, A. Bousseksou, "Bidirectional photoswitching of the spin state of iron(II) ions in a triazol based spin crossover complex within the thermal hysteresis loop", Chemical Physics Letters, 477, 1-3, 156-159 (2009).


Takashi Arikawa, Masaya Nagai, Koichiro Tanaka, "Hydration structures of 2-butoxyethanol monomer and micelle in solution", Chemical Physics Letters, 477, 95-101 (2009).


M. Jewariya, M. Nagai, and K. Tanaka,"Enhancement of terahertz wave generation by cascaded χ(2) processes in LiNbO3", Journal of Optical Society of America B, 26, (9) A101 (2009).


Masaya Nagai, Mukesh Jewariya, Yuki Ichikawa, Hideyuki Ohtake, Toshiharu Sugiura, Yuzuru Uehara, and Koichiro Tanaka, "Broadband and high power terahertz pulse generation beyond excitation bandwidth limitation via χ(2) cascaded processes in LiNbO3," Opt. Express 17, 11543-11549 (2009)


H. Watanabe, H. Hirori, G. Molnár, A. Bousseksou, and K. Tanaka,"Temporal decoupling of spin and crystallographic phase transitions in Fe(PTZ)6(BF4)2",, Phys. Rev. B 79, 180405(R) (2009).


H. Yada, M. Nagai, and K. Tanaka, "The intermolecular stretching vibration mode in water isotopes investigated with broadband terahertz time-domain spectroscopy," Chemical Physics Letter, 473, 279-283(2009).


M. Watanabe, M. Miyahara and K. Tanaka, “Photo-induced changes in charge-ordered state of Ti4O7“, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 148, 012017 (2009).


Y Koyama, T Moriyasu, H Okamura, Y Yamada, K Tanaka and T Kohmoto, “Observation of coherent phonons in Ca-doped SrTiO3: Doping-induced ferroelectric phase transition and ultraviolet-illumination effect”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 148, 012024 (2009).


T. Nishihara, M. Nihei, H. Oshio and K. Tanaka, “The light-induced spin transition of tetranuclear spin crossover complex [Fe4(CN)4(bpy)4(tpa)2](PF6)4 “, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 148, 012033 (2009).


M. Shimizu, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura, T. Yuasa, H. Homma, Y. Minowa, K. Tanaka, K. Miura, and K. Hirao, "Periodic metallo-dielectric structure in diamond," Opt. Express 17, 46-54 (2009)




Cobo Saioa, Ostrovskii Denis, Bonhommeau Sébastien, Vendier Laure, Molnár Gábor, Salmon Lionel, Tanaka Koichiro, Bousseksou Azzedine, “Single-laser-shot-induced complete bidirectional spin transition at room temperature in single crystals of (FeII(pyrazine)(Pt(CN)4)).”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 130, 9019-24 (2008).


K.R. Mavani, M. Nagai, D. S. Rana, H. Yada, I. Kawayama, M. Tonouchi, K.Tanaka "Effects of disorder and scaling of optical conductivity in Nd0.5Ca0.5-xBaxMnO3 (x = 0 and 0.02) thin films as observed by terahertz time domain spectroscopy" Applied Physics Letters 93, 231908 (2008)


Hiroyuki Yada, Masaya Nagai, Koichiro Tanaka "Origin of the fast relaxation component of water and heavy water revealed by terahertz time-domain attenuated total reflection spectroscopy" Chemical Physics Letters 464, 166-170 (2008)


Shinichiro Mouri, Koichiro Tanaka, Sébastien Bonhommeau, Nawel Ould Moussa, Gábor Molnár, and Azzedine Bousseksou "Relaxation process from photo-induced states of double-step spin-crossover systems using a kinetic two-sublattice Ising-like model including intra-site coupling" Physical Review B 78, 174308 (2008)


Thibaut Forestier, Stephane Mornet, Nathalie Daro, Taishi Nishihara, Shin-ichiro Mouri, Koichiro Tanaka, Olivier Fouche, Eric Feryszc and Jean-Francois Letard "Nanoparticles of iron(II) spin-crossover" Chemical Communications 36, 4327-4329 (2008)


S. Mouri, N. Ould Moussa, G. Molnar, J.A. Real, A.B. Gaspar, A. Bousseksou, K.Tanaka "Light induced excited spin state trapping in the binuclear spin crossover compound [Fe(bpym)(NCS)2]2(bpym) exhibiting a high-spin ground state" Chemical Physics Letters 456, 215-218(2008)


Y.Yamada and K.Tanaka "Mechanism of Photoinduced Dielectric Response in Ferroelectric Sr1xCaxTiO3" Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 77, 054704 (2008)


Takashi Arikawa, Masaya Nagai, Koichiro Tanaka "Characterizing hydration state in solution using terahertz time-domain attenuated total reflection spectroscopy" Chemical Physics Letters 457, 12-17(2008)


Yuki Ichikawa and Koichiro Tanaka "Influence of lattice polarizability on interacting Li-induced dipoles distributed in incipient ferroelectric KTaO3" PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77, 144102(2008)


Y. Minowa, T. Fujii, M. Nagai, T.Ochiai K. Sakoda, K.Hirao, and K.Tanaka "Evaluation of effective electric permittivity and magnetic permeability in metamaterial slabs by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy" Optics Express 16, 4785-4796 (2008)


Takanori Okada, Masaya Nagai, Koichiro Tanaka "Resonant phase jump with enhanced electric field caused by surface phonon polariton in terahertz region" Optics Express 16, 5633-5641 (2008)


N.Ould Moussa, S. Mouri, G. Molnar, K. Tanaka, J. A. Real, and A. Bousseksou, “On the Photomagnetic Properties of the Binuclear SpinCrossover? Complexes {[Fe(bt)(NCSe)2]2(bpym)} and {[Fe(bpym)(NCSe)2]2(bpym)}” The Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 18 195-200 (2008)




A.Syouji, S.Saito, K.Sakai, M.Nagai, K.Tanaka, H. Ohtake, T.Bessho, T.Sugiura, T.Hirosumi, and M. Yoshida “Evaluation of a terahertz wave spectrum and construction of a terahertz wave-sensing system using a Yb-doped fiber laser” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24 (8), 2006-2012 (2007).


A. Bousseksou, G. Molner, J. A. Real, and K. Tanaka "Spin Crossover and Photomagnetism in Dinuclear Iron(II) Compounds" Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 251, 1822-1833 (2007).


N. Ould Moussa, E. Trzop, S. Mouri, S. Zein, G. Molnar, A. B. Gaspar, E. Collet, M. Buron-Le Cointe, J. A. Real, S. Borshch, K. Tanaka, H. Cailleau and A. Bousseksou "Wavelength selective light-induced magnetic effects in the binuclear spin crossover compound [Fe(bt)(NCS)2]2](bpym)" Phys. Rev. B 75, 054101 (2007).




I. Katayama and K. Tanaka “Nature and Dynamics of photoexcited states in KTaO_3 ” J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.75, 64713 (2006).


Hiroki Kudo, Masato Kitaya, Hajime Kobayashi, Masanobu Shirai, Koichiro Tanaka, Yutaka Kawabe and Eiichi Hanamura “Luminescence channels of manganese-doped MgGa2O4” J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75, 014708-014712 (2006).


M. Nagai, H. Yada, T. Arikawa, and K. Tanaka "Terahertz time-domain attenuated total reflection spectroscopy in water and biological solution" International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 27, (4), 505-515 (2006).


H. Okamura, M. Matsubara, K. Tanaka, K. Fukui, M. Terakami, H. Nakagawa, Y. Ikemoto, T. Moriwaki, H. Kimura and T. Nanba "Photogenerated Carriers in SrTiO3 Probed by Mid-Infrared Absorption" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75, (2), 2006023703 (2006).


Hideki Hirori, Masaya Nagai, and Koichiro Tanaka "Destructive interference effect on surface plasmon resonance in terahertz attenuated total reflection" Optics Express 13, 10801-10814 (2006).


I. Katayama and K. Tanaka "Nature and Dynamics of photoexcited states in KTaO3" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75, 064713 (2006).


H. Oyanagi, T. Tayagaki, and K. Tanaka "Synchrotron radiation study of photo-induced spin-crossover transitions, Microscopic origin of nonlinear phase transition” J. Luminescence 119, 361-369 (2006).




Hideki Hirori, Masaya Nagai, and Koichiro Tanaka "Destructive interference effect on surface plasmon resonance in terahertz attenuated total reflection" Optics Express 13, 10801-10814 (2005).


H. Okamura, M. Matsubara, T. Nanba, T. Tayagaki, S. Mouri, and K. Tanaka, Y. Ikemoto, T. Moriwaki, H. Kimura, and G. Juhasz "Photoinduced spin crossover in a Fe-picolylamine complex: A far-infrared study on single crystals" Phys. Rev. B 72, 073108 (2005).


M. Buron-Le Cointe, E. Collet, L. Guerin, M.H. Lemee-Cailleau, H. Cailleau, M. Wulff, T. Luty, S. Koshihara and K. Tanaka, "Time-resolved X-ray diffraction: a wonderful tool for probing structural photo-induced phase transitions" Journal of Luminescence, 112 (2005), 235-241.


Tokushi Sato, Masanobu Shirai, Koichiro Tanaka, Yutaka Kawabe and Eiichi Hanamura "Strong blue emission from Ti-doped MgAl2O4 crystals" Journal of Luminescence, 114, (2),(2005),155-161.


Takeshi Tayagaki, Ana Galet, Ga'bor Molna'r, Maria Carmen Munoz, Antoine Zwick, Koichiro Tanaka, Jose'-Antonio Real, and Azzedine Bousseksou ”Metal dilution effects on the spin crossover properties of the three-dimensional coordination polymer Fe(pyrazine)[Pt(CN)4]” J.Phys. Chem. B 109(31); 14859-14867. (2005)


Nawel Ould Moussa, Xavier Ducros, Ga'bor Molna'r, Antoine Zwick, Takeshi Tayagaki, Koichiro Tanaka and Azzedine Bousseksou ”Decoupling of themolecular spin state and the crystallographic phase change in the spin crossover complex [Fe(ptz)6](BF4)2 studied by Raman spectroscopy” Chem.Phys.Lett. 402, 503(2005)


I. Katayama, M. Watanabe, T. Hayashi and K. Tanaka "Photoexcited carrier dynamics in Potassium Tantalate" J. Lumin. 112, 242 (2005)


Yasuhiro Yamada and Koichiro Tanaka "Photo-induced suppression of ferroelectric transition in oxygen-isotope-exchanged SrTiO3" J. Lumin. 112, 259 (2005)


N. Ould Moussa, G. Molnor, S. Bonhommeau, A. Zwick, S. Mouri, K. Tanaka, J. A. Real, and A. Bousseksou "Selective Photoswitching of the Binuclear Spin Crossover Compound {[Fe(bt)(NCS)2]2(bpm)} into Two Distinct Macroscopic Phases" Physical Review Letters, 94, 107205 (2005)


Y. Ichikawa, M. Nagai, and K. Tanaka "Direct observation of the soft-mode dispersion in incipient ferroelectric KTaO3 " Physical Review B, 71, 092106_1-_4 (2005)


J. H. Jiang and M. W. Wu, M. Nagai, and M. Kuwata-Gonokami "Formation and decay of electron-hole droplets in diamonds" Physical Review B, 71, 035215 (2005)




A. Tomita, T. Sato, K. Tanaka, Y. Kawabe, M. Shirai, K. Tanaka and E. Hanamura, "Luminescence channels of manganese-doped spinel" Journal of Luminescence, 109,(1),19-24 (2004)


M. Nagai, K. Tanaka, H. Ohtake, T. Bessho, T. Sugiura, T. Hirosumi, and M. Yoshida "Generation and detection of terahertz radiation by electro-optical process in GaAs? using 1.56 μm fiber laser pulses" , Applied Physics Letters, 85, 3974 (2004)


H. Hirori, K. Yamashita, M. Nagai, and K. Tanaka, "Attenuated total reflection spectroscopy in a time domain using terahertz coherent pulses" Jananese Journal of Applied Physics, 43, L1287 (2004)


Okamura H, Matsubara M, Tayagaki T, Tanaka K, Ikemoto Y, Kimura H, Moriwaki T, Nanba T "Infrared study of spin crossover Fe-picolylamine complex" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.73, 1355 (2004)


Hiroyuki Oyanagi , Takeshi Tayagaki and Koichiro Tanaka "Photo-induced phase transitions probed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy: Fe(II) spin crossover complex" Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 65, 1485-1489 (2004)


Takeshi Tayagaki, Koichiro Tanaka, and Hidekazu Okamura "Modification of vibrational selection rules in the photo-induced spin-crossover phase" Phys. Rev. B 69, 064104 (2004)


N.Huby, L.Guerin, E.Collet, L.Toupet, H.Cailleau, T.Tayagaki, and K. Tanaka "Photoinduced spin transition proved by x-ray diffraction" Phys. Rev. B 69, 020101 (2004)




L. Jiang, M. W. Wu, M. Nagai, and M. Kuwata-Gonokami "Formation and decay of eletron-hole plasma clusters in a direct-gap semiconductor CuCl?" Chinese Physics Letters 20 , 1833 (2003)


Ikufumi Katayama, Yuki Ichikawa, and Koichiro Tanaka "Critical behaviors of photoinduced giant permittivity in potassium tantalate" Phys. Rev. B 67, 100102(R) (2003)


Ikufumi Katayama, Masanobu Shirai, and Koichiro Tanaka "High-frequency nonlinear microwave response in quantum paraelectric potassium tantalate" J. Lumin. 102-103, 54 (2003)


T. Hasegawa, S. Mouri, Y. Yamada K. Tanaka "Giant photo-induced dielectricity in SrTiO3" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 72, 41 (2003)




Junpei Azuma, Koichiro Tanaka and Ken-ichi Kan'no "Two Types of Self-Trapped Excitons in a Quasi-One-Dimensional Crystal Piperidinium Tribromoplumbate" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 71, 971 (2002)


Ikuko AKIMOTO, Ken-ichi KAN'NO "Photoluminescence and near-edge optical absorption in the low-temperature phase of pristine C-60 single crystals" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 71, 630 (2002)


K. Takahashi, M. Kamada, Y. Doi, T. Fukui, T. Tayagaki, and K. Tanaka "Photoinduced phase transition of a spin-crossover complex studied with the combination of Sr and laser" Surf. Rev. Lett. 9, 319 (2002)


M. Iwanaga, J. Azuma, M. Shira, K. Tanaka, and T. Hayashi "Self-trapped electrons and holes in PbBr2 crystals" Phys. Rev. B 65, 214306 (2002).


M. Iwanaga, M. Shirai, K. Tanaka, and T. Hayashi "Self-trapped states and related luminescence in PbCl2 crystals" Phys. Rev. B 66, 064304 (2002).


K. Tanaka and T. Tayagaki "A new spin-crossover-complex phase generated by photo-induced phase transition" Phase Transitions 75, 689 (2002).


Kamada M, Takahashi K, Doi Y, Fukui T, Tayagaki,and Tanaka K "Photoelectron spectroscopic study on photo-induced phase transition of spin-crossover complex" Phase Transitions 75, 847 (2002).


Azuma J, Tanaka K, Kamada M, Kan'no K "Valence-band structures of quasi-one-dimensional crystals C5H10NH2PbX3 [X = I, Br]" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 71, 2730 (2002).


C. Itoh, M. Shirai, K. Tanaka, K. Kan’no "Pulsed-ESR study of spin solitons as a probe of neutral-to-ionic phase transition of TTF-CA single crystal", Phase Transitions (2002), 75, 839-846 (2002).




Tomoharu HASEGAWA and Koichiro TANAKA "Photo-induced polaron states in strontium titanate" J. Luminescence 94-95, 15 (2001).


Masanobu Shirai, Naoki YONEMURA, Takeshi TAYAGAKI, Ken-ichi KAN'NO and Koichiro TANAKA "Electron spin resonance study of the photo-induced phase transition in the spin-crossover complex" J. Luminescence 94-95, 529 (2001).


Takeshi TAYAGAKI and Koichiro TANAKA "Photoinduced phase transition to a new macroscopic phase in spin-crossover complex" J. Luminescence 94-95, 537 (2001).


Takeshi TAYAGAKI and Koichiro TANAKA "Photoinduced phase transition to a new macroscopic spin-crossover-complex phase" Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2886 (2001).




Takeshi TAYAGAKI, Koichiro TANAKA, Naoki YONEMURA, Masanobu SHIRAI, and Ken-ichi KAN'NO "Symmetry lowering in the photoinduced phase in spin-crossover complexes" Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 15, 3709 (2001).




Shin-ichiro HATAOKA, Akihiro ITOH, Ichiro TANAHASHI, and Koichiro TANAKA "High density excitation effects of excitons in ZnSe? quantum wells by spectrally-resolved four-wave-mixing" J. Luminescence 87-89, 853 (2000).


Masanobu SHIRAI, Takeshi TAYAGAKI, Koichiro TANAKA and Ken-ichi KAN'NO "Hole burning on the time-resolved-optically-detected ESR spectra of self-trapped excitons in alkali halides" J. Luminescence 87-89, 1090 (2000).


Tomoharu HASEGAWA, Masanobu SHIRAI and Koichiro TANAKA "Localizing nature of photo-excited states in SrTiO3" J. Luminescence 87-89, 1217 (2000).


Ikuko AKIMOTO and Ken-ichi KAN'NO "Origin of photoluminescence and spectral analysis of vibronic structure resolved in C60 single crystals" J. Luminescence 87-89, 788 (2000).


Hideyuki Inouye, Koichiro Tanaka, Ichiro Tanahashi, Tosiaki Hattori and Hiroki Nakatsuka "Ultrafast Optical Switching in a Silver Nanoparticle System" Jan. J. Appl. Phys. Part1 39(9A), 5132-5133 (2000)




Hideyuki INOUYE, Koichiro TANAKA, Ichiro TANAHASHI, and Kazuyuki HIRAO "Femtosecond optical Kerr effect in the gold nanoparticle system" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.. 68, 3810 (1999).


Ichiro TANAHASHI, Hideyuki INOUYE, Koichiro TANAKA, and Akihiro Mito "Preparation and Femtosecond Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Cu/SiO2 Composite Thin Films" Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 38, 5079 (1999).


Koichiro TANAKA "Ultrafast Spectroscopy pf Glass Materials Containing Metal Nanoparticles" 'Femtosecond Technology', Springer-Verlag, 401 (1999).


N. Sugimoto, H. Kanbara, S. Fujiwara, K. Tanaka, Y. Shimizugawa, K. Hirao "Third-order optical nonlinearities and their ultrafast response in Bi2O3-B2O3-SiO2 glasses" J. Opt. Soc. Am. B-Opt. Phys. 16 190


Hideyuki INOUYE, Koichiro TANAKA, Ichiro TANAHASHI, and Kazuyuki HIRAO "Mechanism of a Terahertz Optical Kerr Shutter with a Gold Nanoparticle System" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.. 68(1999), 3810-3814.




I. Akimoto, M. Ashida, K. Kan'no "Luminescence from C-60 single crystals in glassy phase under site-selective excitation" Chem. Phys. Lett. 292, 561 (1998)


Hideyuki INOUYE, Koichiro TANAKA, Ichiro TANAHASHI, and Kazuyuki HIRAO "Ultrafast dynamics of nonequilibrium electrons in a gold nanoparticle system" Phys. Rev. B 57, 11334 (1998).


Hirohisa KANBARA, Seiji FUJIWARA, Koichiro TANAKA, and Kazuyuki HIRAO "High Speed Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Response Using Organic Solutions" J. Phys. Chem. A102, 674 (1998).


I.Akimoto, J.Azuma, M. Ashida, K.Kan'no "Relaxation dynamics into two types of luminescence states in C60 single crystals below 80K" J. Luminescence 76&77, 206 (1998).


M.Shirai and K.Kan'no "Time-Resolved ODMR Study of the Type II Relaxed Exciton in KBr:I" J. PHYS. SOC. JPN. 67, 2112 (1998).


Masayuki WATANABE, Tetsusuke HAYASHI, Takayuki MAKINO, Hideyuki INOUYE, Koichiro TANAKA, Ichiro TANAHASHI, and Kazuyuki HIRAO "Spectrally-Resolved Four-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy in the Exciton and Biexciton Resonant Region in PbI2" J. Phys. Soc. Japan 67 (1998), 3298-3303.




A.Kato, M.Ashida and R.Kato "Time-Resolved Study of Exciton Thermalization in NaNO2" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn 66 (1997) 2886-2892


K. Kan'no "FLUORINATED FULLERENES - Optical Spectra and Photo-Desorption -" J. Materials Science Forum 239-241 (1997) 197-202




K. Kan'no, T. Matsumoto and Y. Kayanuma "Parity-broken and -unbroken Self-Trapped Excitons in Alkali Halides" J. Pure and Applied Chemistry 69 (1997) 1227-1235


A. Ohnishi, I. Akimoto, K. Kan'no, Y. Iwabuchi and N. Mori "Pulse-Annealing Study of Photo-Stimulated Luminescence and Trapped-Hole States in BaFBr:Eu2+" J. Luminescence 72-74 (1997) 775-777


I. Akimoto, K.Kan'no, M. Shirai, F. Okuno, H. Touhara, M. Kamada and V. Stankevitch "Photoluminescence from Fluorinated Solid Fullerences C60Fx (x<=48)" J. Luminescence 72-74 (1997) 503-504


Ariyuki Kato, Masaaki Ashida, Riso Kato "Temporal behavior of resonant secondary emission in NaNO2: temperature dependence" (to be published) (Proc. Int. Con. on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condenced Matter, ICL'96, Prague, Czech Republic)


Hirohisa KANBARA, Seiji FUJIWARA, Koichiro TANAKA, Hiroyuki Nasu and Kazuyuki HIRAO "Third-order nonlinear optical properties of chalcogenide glasses" Appl. Phys. Lett. 70 (1997), 925-928.




Osamu Ohta, Ariyuki Kato, Riso Kato "Temperature Variation of Phosphorescence Decay in NaNO2 Crystals: Spin-Lattice Relaxtaion of the Triplet State" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn 65(1996)318


T.Matsumoto, K.Kan'no, M.Itoh and N.Ohno "Lattice Relaxation Effect Associated with Core Holes in Ionic Crystals Studied by Time-Resolved Luminescence Spectroscopy" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 65(1996), 1195-1198


M.A.Terekhin, N.Yu.Svechnikov, V.G.Stankevitch, A.A.Kolmakov, V.A.Stepanov,N.Bezmelnitsin, M.Kamada, K.Kan'no and I.Akimoto "Radiative transitions in C60 thin films under SR excitation" J. Electron Spectro. Related Phenomena 78 (1996) , 445-448


A.Kolmakov, V.Stankevitch, N.Svechnikov, P.Dudin, N.Artemev, H.Berger, G.Clerc, G.Margaritondo, M.Kamada, S.Hirose, K.Kan'no, I.Akimoto and T.Matsumoto "Temperature Dependence of Luminescence Intensity and Decay Times in C60 Single Crystals" J. Electron Spectro. Related Phenomena 78 (1996), 449-452


K.Kan'no "Time-resolved luminescence study on relaxation dynamics and morphology of self-trapped excitons in ionic crystals" J. Electron Spectro. Related Phenomena 79 (1996), 33-38


M.Itoh, N.Ohno, H.Yoshida, S.Hashimoto, K.Kan'no and M.Kamada "Auger-free Luminescence in Mixed Alkali Halides" J. Electron Spectro. Related Phenomena 79 (1996), 117-120


A.Ohnish, K.Kan'no, Y.Iwabuchi and N.Mori "Luminescence from Self-Trapped Excitons in BaFCl-BaFBr Solid Solutions" J. Electron Spectro. Related Phenomena 79 (1996), 159-162


A.Ohnish, T.Yamada, T.Yoshinari, I.Akimoto, K.Kan'no and T.Kamikawa "Emission Spectra and Decay Characteristics in Photo-Stimulated (CnH2n+1NH3)2CdCl4:n=1,2,3" J. Electron Spectro. Related Phenomena 79 (1996), 163-166


M.Abe and K.Kan'no "Decay kinetics of exciton luminescence from two coexising off-center configurations in KCl:I" J. Electron Spectro. Related Phenomena 79 (1996), 167-170




Ariyuki Kato, Masaaki Ashida, Riso Kato "Time-resolved study of exciton luminescence in NaNO2 crystals: thermalization process of excitons" (Proc. 2nd Int. Con. on Excitonic Processes in Condenced Matter, EXCON'96, Kurort Gohrisch, Germany)


Ariyuki Kato, Masaaki Ashida, Riso Kato "Temperature dependence of Resonant Secondary Emission in NaNO2 Crystals" J.Lumin. 66&67(1996)264 (Proc. 10th Int. Con. of Dynamical Processes in the Excited States of Solids, DPC'95, Australia)


Masaaki Ashida, Ariyuki Kato, Osamu Morikawa, Riso Kato "Superfluorescence from O2- Molecules in Alkalihalide Crystals" J.Lumin. 66&67(1996)259 (Proc. 10th Int. Con. of Dynamical Processes in the Excited States of Solids, DPC'95, Australia)


Naoki SUGIMOTO, Hirohisa KANBARA, Seiji FUJIWARA, Koichiro TANAKA, and Kazuyuki HIRAO "Ultrafast response of third-order optical nonlinearity in glasses containing Bi2O3" Optics Letters 21 (1996), 1637-1639.


Kiyotaka MIURA, Koichiro TANAKA, and Kazuyuki HIRAO "Simultaneous Laser Oscillation on both the 4F3/2 -4I11/2 and 4F3/2-4I13/2 Transitions of Nd3+ Using a Fluoride Glass Microsphere" J. Material Science Letters 15 (1996), 1854-1858.


Tohru SUEMOTO, Koichiro TANAKA, and Hideyuki OTAKE "Ultrafast electronic Raman spectroscopy in semiconductors" Prog. Crystal Growth and Charact. 33 (1996), 57-63.


Hideyuki OTAKE, Koichiro TANAKA, Takeyo TSUKAMOTO and Tohru SUEMOTO "Uniaxial stress dependence of time-resolved electronic Raman scattering in germanium" Prog. Crystal Growth and Charact. 33 (1996), 121-124.


Hideyuki OTAKE, Koichiro TANAKA, Takeyo TSUKAMOTO and Tohru SUEMOTO "Electronic Raman Scattering of Photoexcited Electrons in Germanium" J. Phys. Soc. Japan. 65(1996), 622-626.


Tsuyoshi OKUNO, Koichiro TANAKA, Kazuko KOYAMA, and Tohru SUEMOTO "Observation of Two Types of Spectral Holes in MgO-doped Y2O3:Pr3+ Crystals" Optics communications 123 (1996), 512-516.




Seiji Sogo, Osamu Morikawa, Ariyuki Kato, Riso Kato "Photoluminescence in KBr:O2- under uniaxial stress: Reorientaion of O2- centers" J.Lumin. 65(1995)77


T.Matsumoto, M.Shirai and K.Kan'no "Correlation between the Spin State and Structure of Self-Trapped Excitons in Alkali Halides" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 64(1995) 291 - 301


T. Matsumoto, M. Shirai and K. Kan'no "Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Study of the Type I Self-Trapped Excitons in Alkali Halide Crystals: II Excitation Spectra and Relaxation Processes" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 64(1995) 987- 1001;


M. Abe, T.Matsumoto and K.Kan'no "Thermally-Activated Population Transfer between Two Different Off-Center Exciton States in KCl:I" Soc. Photo-Optic. Instr. engineer. 2362 (1995), 178 - 186


Masaaki Ashida, Ariyuki Kato, Riso Kato "Resonant Emission under Excitation of Isotopic Molecules in NaNO2" Proc.SPIE 2362(1995)187 (Proc. Int. Con. on Excitonic Processes in Condenced Matter, EXCON'94, Darwin, Australia)


Osamu Ohta, Ariyuki Kato, Riso Kato "Thermalization of the Triplet Excitons and Quenching of the Phosphorescence in NaNO2" Proc.SPIE 2362(1995)240 (Proc. Int. Con. on Excitonic Processes in Condenced Matter, EXCON'94, Darwin, Australia)


M.A.Terekhin, N.Yu.Svechnikov, V.G.Stankevitch, A.A.Kolmakov, V.A.Stepanov, N. Bezmelnitsin, M.Kamada and K.Kan'no "Radiative Transitions in C60 Thin Films under UV Laser and SR Excitations" Optics and Spectroscopy 78 (1995), 75- 81


A. Kolmakov, Stankevitch, M.Terekhin, V.Bezmelnitsin, A.Rizkov, V.Sokolov, Kamada, S.Hirose, K.Kan'no, I.Akimoto, T.Matsumoto and I.H. Munro "Observation and Investigation of Solid C60F48 and C70F58 Luminescence" Proceedings of Symposium on Fullerene Science (1995)


Koichiro TANAKA, Hideyuki OTAKE, Hiroyuki NANSEI and Tohru SUEMOTO "Subpicosecond hot hole relaxation in germanium studied by time-resolved iner-valence-band Raman scattering" Phys. Rev. B 52 (1995), 10709-10712.


Mitsuru SUGISAKI, Mitsuo Nishikawa, Osamu ARIMOTO, Kaizo NAKAMURA, Koichiro TANAKA, and Tohru SUEMOTO "Emission from the Higher Members of Exciton (n=2,3, and 4) in b-ZnP2" J. Phys. Soc. Japan. 64 (1995), 3506-3513.




T.Matsumoto, A.Miyamoto, K.Ichinose, A.Ohnishi, K.Kan'no and T.Hayashi "Time-Resolved Measurements of Excitation Spectra for Intrinsic Emission in Alkali Iodied" J. Lumines., 58 (1994), 335-338


T.Tsujibayashi, K.Toyoda, T.Hayashi, M.Watanabe, P.Gu and K.Kan'no "Intersystem-Crossing, Momentum Relaxation and Self-Trapping of Excitons in Alkali Iodides" J. Lumines., 58 (1994), 368-370


A.Ohnishi, K.Kan'no, T.Iwabuchi and N.Mori "Recombination Luminescence from Self-Trapped Excitons in BaFBr" Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B91 (1994), 210-214


Jun TAKEDA, Mitsuru OKADA, Koichiro TANAKA, Tohru SUEMOTO, and Susumu KURITA "Resonance Raman scattering and its annealing effect for photo-induced defect states in quasi-one-dimensionalmixed-valence compound (Pt(en)2)(Pt(en) 2Cl2)(ClO4)4" Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst..256 (1994), 873-878.


Osamu ARIMOTO, Mitsuru SUGISAKI, Kaizo NAKAMURA, Koichiro TANAKA, Hideyuki OTAKE, and Tohru SUEMOTO "Resonant Secondary Emission and its Excitation Energy Dependence in Monoclinic Zinc Diphosphide" J. Phys. Soc. Japan. 63 (1994), 4249-4255.


Koichiro TANAKA, Hideyuki OTAKE, and Tohru SUEMOTO "Resonant Intervalence Band Raman Scattering of Photo-excited Holes in Germanium" Phys. Rev. B 50 (1994), 10694-10701.


Tohru SUEMOTO, Koichiro TANAKA, and Anri NAKAJIMA "Interpretation of the intensity, lifetime, decay profiles, and their temperature dependence in porous Si luminescence" Phys. Rev. B 49 (1994), 11005-11009.


Tohru SUEMOTO, Koichiro TANAKA, and Anri NAKAJIMA "Luminescence Spectroscopy of Porous Si by Selective Excitation" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 63 supl. B (1994), 190-202


Tsuyoshi OKUNO, Koichiro TANAKA, Kazuko KOYAMA, and Tohru SUEMOTO "Luminescence Side Bands due to Distributed Stark Levels in Pr3+: ZrO2-Y2O3 (YSZ)" Journal of Luminescence 60&61 (1994), 85-88.


Tsuyoshi OKUNO, Koichiro TANAKA, Kazuko KOYAMA, Mitsuru NAMIKI, and Tohru SUEMOTO "Homogeneous Linewidth of Praseodymium Ions in Various Inorganic Materials" Journal of Luminescence 58 (1994), 184-187.


Tohru SUEMOTO, Koichiro TANAKA, Anri NAKAJIMA, and Toru ITAKURA "c-Si like Phonon Structures in the Luminescence of Porous Si" Journal of Luminescence 60&61 (1994), 324-326.


Koichiro TANAKA, Hideyuki OTAKE, and Tohru SUEMOTO "Time-resolved Electronic Raman Measurements in Germanium by 100-fs Ti:Al2O3 Laser" Journal of Luminescence 60&61 (1994), 716-719.




T.Matsumoto, K.Ichinose and K.Kan'no "Time-Resolved Luminescence Study of Relaxed Excitons in KBr:I and KCl:Br" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 62 (1993), 1860-1863


Koichiro TANAKA, Hideyuki OTAKE, and Tohru SUEMOTO "Determination of intervalley scattering time in germanium by subpicosecond time-resolved Raman spectroscopy" Phys. Rev. Lett. 71 (1993), 1935-1938.


Tohru SUEMOTO, Koichiro TANAKA, Anri NAKAJIMA, and Toru ITAKURA "Observation of phonon structures in porous Si luminescence" Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 (1993), 3659-3662.




T.Hayashi, H.Yanase, T.Matsumoto, K.Kan'no, K.Toyoda and Y.Nakai "Self-Trapped Exciton Luminescence in KBr1-xIx and RbBr1-xIx Solid Solutions" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 61 (1992), 1098-1112


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T. Matsumoto, T.Kawata, A.Miyamoto and K.Kan'no "Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Study of the Type I Self-Trapped Excitons in Alkali Halide Crystals: Part I. Emission Spectra and Decay Behavior" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 61 (1992), 4229-4241


T.Matsumoto, T.Kawata, A.Miyamoto and K.Kan'no "Luminescence Decay Behavior of the On-Center Self-Trapped Excitons in Alkali Halides" Proc.Int.Conf.on Defects in Insulating Crystals, (1992), 327-329


T.Kawata, T.Mukai, T.Matsumoto and K.Kan'no "Magnetic Field Effect on the Luminescence Lifetime of Triplet Self-Trapped Excitons in NaBr? and NaI" Proc.Int.Conf.on Defects in Insulating Crystals, (1992), 1232-1234




M.Itoh, S.Hashimoto, N.Ohno and K.Kan'no "Identity of relaxed exciton configurations for theπemission in NaI and theσemission in KI" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 60 (1991), 61-64


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Koichiro TANAKA, Tsuyoshi OKUNO, Hiroo YUGAMI, Mareo ISHIGAME, and Tohru SUEMOTO "Persistent spectral hole-burning of Pr3+ ions in yttria stabilized zirconia: a new hole-burning material" Optics Communications 86 (1991), 45-50.




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K.Tanaka, K.Kan'no and Y.Nakai "Lattice Relaxation of Self-Trapped Excitons in Binary Mixed Crystals of KCl and KBr" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 59 (1990), 1474-1487


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