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2009春の合同研究会 の変更点

Top_page / 2009春の合同研究会

場所:国民宿舎 紀伊見荘&br;
[[合同研究会の様子はコチラ>Year 2009]]
[[合同研究会の様子はコチラ>Photo Gallery/Year 2009]]
**発表内容 [#u6c80444]
”Time resolved THz spectroscopy of semiconductor quantum wells”~
田中研M2 谷 峻太郎~
”Study of triplet state of CuCl quantum dot in NaCl”~
伊藤研M2 山崎 貴信~
”Pump-Probe Spectroscopy in Organic Conductor (CHTM-TTP)&size(10){2};TCNQ”~
田中研M2 鈴木 達也~
”Fabrication of ZnO nanoparticles by laser ablation in superfluid helium”~
伊藤研M2 斉藤 泰彦~
”Broadband detection of THz radiation by using photo conductive anttena”~
伊藤研M2 尾藤 道隆~
”Terahertz spectroscopy on organic conductor (EDO-TTF)&size(10){2};SbF&size(10){6};”~
田中研M2 篠北 啓介~
”High spatially resolved cathodoluminescence measurements of GaAs/AlGaAs pyramidal cap structure”~
伊藤研M2 土岐 貴弘~
”Exciton Fine Structures in Single Carbon Nanotubes Studied by Magneto-PL Spectroscopy”~
金光研D2 松永 隆佑~
”Spin crossover dynamics in the system controlled by light”~
田中研D2 西原 大志~
”Ecxciton localization effects on polariton propagation in Al&size(10){x};Ga&size(10){1-x};N mixed crystals”~
金光研D3 平野 大輔~
”Non Linear transmission spectroscopy using high power THz pulse”~
田中研D2 Jewariya Mukesh~
”Dynamics of Biomembrane and kinetics of vesicles formation studied by X-ray and neutron scattering”~
iCeMS研究員 菱田 真史~
”Effects of Trap Potential on a Superfluid Fermi Gas Loaded on an Optical Lattice”~
小川研D1 玉谷 知裕~
”Ultrafast photo-switching dynamics of bistable spin-crossover molecules in the solid state”~
iCeMS研究員 Nicolas Moisan~
”Cavity QED with monolithic microtoroidal resonators”~
特定准教授 青木 隆朗~
”Friedel Scattering in a Quantum Wire”~
小川研研究員 上出 健仁~
”Experimental strategies toward quantum-degenerate excitons”~
田中研准教授 中 暢子~
”Quantum phase transitions in the Hubbard model on the triangular lattice”~
小川研研究員 吉岡 匠哉~
”Superfluorescent pulsed emission from biexcitons in an ensemble of semiconductor quantum dots”~
伊藤研助教 宮島 顕祐~