&size(20){&color(#660033){''Solid State Spectroscopy Group''};};~
&size(14){&color(#660033){Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University};};~
[[※日本語ページはこちら/Go to the Japanese page:http://www.hikari.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/]]
[[※日本語ページはこちら/Go to the Japanese page:http://www.hikari.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/jp/index.php]]
***&size(14){&color(blue){''Now 2 big projects are running !''};}; [#r86d9871]
&size(14){&color(blue){Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) (S) "New development of nonlinear photoelectronics based on terahertz strong field physics" 17H06124};};~
-Research project about interaction between strong terahertz field and solid materials. This is a collaborative research project with Prof. Yanagi at Tokyo Metropolitan University and Prof. Katayama at Yokohama National University.
&size(14){&color(blue){JST-ACCEL "Terahertz optical science and technology in semiconductors"};}; ~
-Research project about semiconductor devices in terahertz region and its application. This is a collaborative research project with Tokyo Institute of Technology, Kitazato University, RIKEN and some companies.
- https://www.jst.go.jp/kisoken/accel/en/research_project/ongoing/h29_02.html
- http://kyoto-thz.jp/en/
&size(14){&color(#660033){The former one, picking Terahertz ~ IR domain as the playground for strong field physics, aims at exploring new phenomenon. While the latter, seeing from the prospective of solid state spectroscopy, tries to create a new way of controlling Terahertz semiconductor, thus further connecting to the construction of a anyone-can-use Terahertz system. Both of them are challenging topics at the frontier of science.};};
***&size(14){&color(blue){''For international students''};}; [#r86d9871]
We welcome you to join us to study terahertz optical science for your PhD or research project. Please contact Prof. Dr. Koichiro Tanaka (kochan[at]scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp) or Associate Prof. Dr. Nobuko Naka (naka[at]scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp) for further details.
***&size(14){&color(black){''Highlight''};}; [#d8dee623]
***2019 [#kbd839e7]
''A part of the contents of Dr. Gibbons' doctoral thesis, who graduated in this spring, was published in Nature! Congratulations! This is a collaborative research with Prof. Sivaniah Group at iCeMS.''(June 20th, 2019)~
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1299-8 ~
The following is an explanation about this work.~
https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/research/research_results/2019/190620_1.html ~
-Joint seminar with Ashida Lab., Kanemitsu Lab., Matsuda Lab. and Matsunaga Lab. was held at the Biwa-Lake-side house.(June 14-15th, 2019)~
''Mr. Ichii won the Best Poster Award in [[the international conference "Optical Terahertz Science and Technology.":http://www.otst.org/]]'' (March 15th, 2019)~
-''Prof. Tanaka won [[Optics and Quantum Electronics Achievement Award (Hiroshi Takuma Award):https://www.jsap.or.jp/english/awards/research-achievement-awards]] in the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)! ''(February 1st, 2019)~
-''We submit a new arXiv paper on high harmonic generation in solids''
(February 11th, 2019)~
***2018 [#kbd839e7]
-''A collaborative research with Dr. Shiraga at Riken was published.''~
-''A collaborative research with Prof. Collet at University of Rennes 1 was published.''~
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1140%2Fepjb%2Fe2018-90553-2 ~
-''A collaborative research with Ms. Umanodan, Prof. Koshihara and Prof. Okimoto at Tokyo Institute of Technology was published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.''(December 17th, 2018)~
https://journals.jps.jp/doi/full/10.7566/JPSJ.88.013705 ~
The following comment is very helpful for understanding.~
-''Prof. Tanaka went to Nishina Memorial Award Ceremony.''(2018/12/07)
Kyoto University Page:~
-''A collaborative research with Prof. Yanagi at Tokyo Metropolitan University was published in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.''
-''Prof. Tanaka won [[Nishina Memorial Prize:http://www.nishina-mf.or.jp/index_e.html]] in 2018, for "Development of extreme-nonlinear terahertz optics in solids" ''(November 9th, 2018)~
-Prof. Ishikawa in the Univ. of Tokyo gave us a lecture about high harmonic generation.(November 28th-30th, 2018)
-''Lab. hiking in Authmn.'' We climbed Mt. Rokko and then went to Arima-onsen hot spring. It was a sunny good day.(November 4th, 2018)
-''Hiking to Mt. Daimonji with the alumni.''(October 13th, 2018)~
https://theta360.com/s/dnxVTinL7iDRJrtdu4mFE4Df2 ~
-Laboratory members and international student Ken went sightseeing in Arashiyama. (2018/06/24)
The photo is taken in the bamboo grove of Arashiyama.
- We went to Prof. Tanaka's mountain hut on a lab picnic. (2017/5/12-13)~
It was a fun two days such as mountain climbing, barbecue and strawberry picking.
***2017 [#kbd839e7]
-We went to the Kaijusen-ji Temple on a picnic with Prof. Barjon. (2017/11/13)~
-Mr. Abebe's paper is published. He came to our lab last year from Technical University of Denmark. This is a study of impact ionization in Si with high intensity THz light. Please take a look!(2017/11/1)
-Several members in our lab climbed Mt. Hayachine. (2017/9/20)~
-Several members in our lab went mountain-climbing to Mt. Hakusan in Ishikawa prefecture.(2017/7/15,16)~
-Mr. Morimoto and Mr. Arigawa's article on light vortex reduction entered the top ten downloads of Optics Express in June. That means the article is attracting worldwide attention.
There is a review paper written by Miles J. Padgett in the vortex beam 25th anniversary. Please have a look at this.
-An annual Joint Workshop was held to have vigorous discussions.(2017/6/16,17)~
Mr. Morimoto and Mr. Arikawa's paper on the vortex beam in the THz region and its reduction was published in Optics Express.(2017/06/10)
-Mr. Morimoto and Mr. Arikawa's paper on the vortex beam in the THz region and its reduction was published in Optics Express.(2017/06/10)
URL: https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.25.013728
-A paper on high-order harmonic generation from single atomic layer material mainly written by Mr. Yoshikawa was published in Science. Mr. Tamaya worked hard for the theory part. It is an important result showing the future direction of our laboratory's research. I am honestly happy.(2017/05/19)
URL: https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aam8861
It was featured in the news of Kyoto University.
This is an image diagram made by Mr. Uchida. He is amazing!
-The Lorentz Festival was held.(2017/5/19)~
Many people visited our laboratory! I think that many people understood the atmosphere of our laboratory and the taste of the shaved ice.
-We went to Prof. tanaka's mountain hut on a lab. picnic.(2017/4/28,29)~
BBQ, tempura was delicious. Wild cherry trees were superb.
#ref(Nature phys.png,,20%)
-A paper on the quantum Hall effect mainly promoted by Prof. Arikawa was published in Nature Physics. It is a collaboration with Professor Kakuya of Hiroshima University.(2017/04/03)
It was featured in the news of Kyoto University.
***2016 [#kbd839e7]
-A paper on the THz light dressed state in GaAs that Mr. Uchida and Professor Hirori mainly contributed was published. This is a collaboration with Professor Akiyama in the University of Tokyo, Professor Pfeiffer and Professor West in the Princeton University, . This is a study of nonlinear effects in subcycle.(2017/5/11)~
-Autumn picnic(2016/11/23)~
After walking around Arashiyama, we experienced making a Yatsuhashi. The picture is at Nison-in Temple.
-I went to Prof. Tanaka's mountain hut on a laboratory excursion(2016/5/21,22)~
The barbecue was delicious. There was a classic car event as well. Mahjong desk installation was completed.
***2015 [#m127189b]
-A collaborative research with Prof. Ogawa at Faculty of Agriculture was published in Appl. Phys. Lett. ~
This is a study that used THz-ATR which was developed about 10 years ago in the laboratory and acquired patents. Please look! (2015/6/24)~
journal:Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 253701 (2015).
***2014 [#m127189b]
これは、ナノメーターサイズの細孔が規則的に並んでいるPorus Coorination Polymer (PCP)とよばれる材料へのメタノール分子の吸着をテラヘルツ近接場顕微鏡をもちいたセンシングでとらえたものです。iCeMS/工学研究科の北川進先生のグループとの共同研究となっています。~
URL: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/fulltext.cfm?uri=oe-22-9-11061&id=284314
***2013 [#m127189b]
-西原君のスピンクロスオーバー錯体の光誘起相転移に関する論文が、Optics Express に掲載されました。(2013/12/16)
URL: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-21-25-31179
-挟間君、中さんのダイヤモンドの励起子選択励起に関する論文が、Europhysics Letters に掲載されました。(2013/12/16)
-吉川君が中心となってまとめた量子ドットのBlinkingに関する論文が、Phys. Rev. B に
-Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society (Berlin) の Tobias Kampfrath、MIT の Keith A. Nelson、そして田中耕一郎が共著で書いた、高強度THz光をもちいたTHz光学のReview Paper が出版されました。(2013/8/30)~
-篠北君、廣理助教が中心となってすすめたGaAs量子井戸におけるTHz誘起発光現象の論文が出版されました。東大物性研の秋山准教授、Princeton大のPfeiffer教授、West教授との共同研究です。editor's suggestionに選ばれています。(2013/8/10)~
-向井君が中心となっておこなったGeのアクセプターのTHz光によるトンネルイオン化の論文が出版されました。Rapid Communicationです。(2013/7/10)~
URL: http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-matsci-071312-121656
***2012 [#sbafac48]
-横浜国大、大阪大学との共同研究で光物性研究室の高強度テラヘルツ光をもちいて強誘電体のフォノンの非調和性をとらえた論文がPhys. Rev. Lett.誌に掲載されました。~
URL: http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.097401
-Our paper (Dr. Hirori et al.) is accepted for publication in Nature Communications!~
H.Hirori, K.Shinokita, M.Shirai, S.Tani, Y.Kadoya, and K.Tanaka "Extraordinary Carrier Multiplication Gated by a Picosecond Electric Field Pulse"
-[[Dr.Hirori's paper about High-power THz generation:http://apl.aip.org/resource/1/applab/v98/i9/p091106_s1]] was picked up on the Nature Photonics as "Our choise form the recent literature".(2011.4.29)
---[[Nature Photonics 5, 250–251 (2011); doi:10.1038/nphoton.2011.77:http://www.nature.com/nphoton/journal/v5/n5/full/nphoton.2011.77.html?WT.ec_id=NPHOTON-201105]]
-This year's spring-joint seminar camp (Kyoto Univ. and Osaka Univ.) was held in Ikoma, Nara prefecture(2011.4.15,16).
-[[Dr. Blanchard, Dr. T.Tanaka, Dr.Hirori, Prof. Tanaka and our collaborators from Hiroshima Univ. and Olympus Corp. succeeded in the development of Real-time terahertz near-field microscope (Optics Express).:http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-19-9-8277]] (2011.4.15)
-[[Dr. Hishida and other members of the iCeMS Tanaka group clarified the hydration state of phospholipid bilayers precisely by terahertz spectroscopy. In this study water perturbed by a lipid membrane is detected sensitively from the observation of the relaxation dynamics of water molecules in the subpicosecond time scale (Phys. Rev. Lett.).:http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v106/i15/e158102]] (2011.4.15)
-[[Dr. Hirori, Dr. Blanchard, Dr. Doi and Prof. Tanaka released a paper titled "Single-cycle terahertz pulses with amplitudes exceeding 1 MV/cm generated by optical rectification in LiNbO3" (Appl.Phys.Lett.)".:http://apl.aip.org/resource/1/applab/v98/i9/p091106_s1]] (2011.3.1)
-[[PhD student Shinokita, Dr.Hirori, Dr.Nagai, Prof.Tanaka and our collaborator from Hiroshima Univ.released a paper titled "Dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect in GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells induced by single-cycle terahertz pulses"(Appl. Phys. Lett.).:http://apl.aip.org/resource/1/applab/v97/i21/p211902_s1?isAuthorized=no]] (2010.11.21)
-[[Dr. Jewariya, Dr. Nagai and Prof. Tanaka released a paper titled "Ladder Climbing on the Anharmonic Intermolecular Potential in an Amino Acid Microcrystal via an Intense Monocycle Terahertz Pulse" (Phys. Rev. Lett.).:http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.203003]] (2010.11.11)
Please refer to the pdf document below.
-[[Prof. Tanaka took part in the English interview about what brought him to be a scientist during the iCeMS Cross Talk Session.:http://www.icems.kyoto-u.ac.jp/j/rsch/scg/2010/10/ct03.html]] (2010.10.29)
-[[Dr. Doi, Dr. Blanchard, Dr. Hirori and Prof. Tanaka released a paper titled "Near-field THz imaging of free induction decay from a tyrosine crystal" (Optics Express):http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?URI=oe-18-17-18419]] (2010.08.13)
***&size(14){[[Resent research results>Recent results]]}; [#bd4e8295]
[[&ref(teratech_hp.gif,nolink,TeraTech Homepage);>http://www.terahertzjapan.com/lang_english/index.html]] [[&ref(gcoe_logo.png,nolink,GCOE program);>http://www.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/gcoe/index_e.html]] [[&ref(cemilogo.gif,nolink,50%,CeMI Homepage);>http://www.cemi.icems.kyoto-u.ac.jp/e_index.php]] [[&ref(icems.gif,nolink,iCeMS Homepage);>http://www.icems.kyoto-u.ac.jp]] [[&ref(univ.gif,nolink,Kyoto University Homepage);>http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en]]