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Backup diff of Solid State Spectroscopy Group (No. 27)

  • The added line is THIS COLOR.
  • The deleted line is THIS COLOR.
***&size(14){''Recent News''}; [#idc74c8c]
-[[''PhD student Jewariya Mukesh won the best poster award (May 2010)''>Prize]]
-[[International Workshop on Terahertz Technology TeraTech'09:]]
at Osaka, Japan
-[[iCeMS Cafe titled "Explore with invisible light" will be held on June 13, Saturday:]](2009.5.26)
***&size(14){&color(blue){''For international students''};}; [#r86d9871]
We welcome you to join us to study terahertz optical science for your PhD or research project. Please contact Prof. Dr. Koichiro Tanaka (kochan[at] or Associate Prof. Dr. Nobuko Naka (naka[at] for further details.

-We renewed our Homepage (2009.4)
//-[[''PhD student Jewariya Mukesh won the best poster award (May 2010)''>Prize]]
//-[[International Workshop on Terahertz Technology TeraTech'09:]] at Osaka, Japan
//-[[iCeMS Cafe titled "Explore with invisible light" will be held on June 13, Saturday:]](2009.5.26)

-Hikari laboratory alumnis reunion (2009.3)
//-We renewed our Homepage (2009.4)

-Mr. Hiroshi Watanabe won the prize in GCOE Symposium (2009.2) 
//-Hikari laboratory alumnis reunion (2009.3)

-Mr. Akira Eguchi won the prize in the meeting held by the Association for Condensed Matter Photophysics (2009.1)
//-Mr. Hiroshi Watanabe won the prize in GCOE Symposium (2009.2) 

//-Mr. Akira Eguchi won the prize in the meeting held by the Association for Condensed Matter Photophysics (2009.1)

***&size(14){&color(black){''Highlight''};}; [#d8dee623]
***&size(14){[[Resent research results>Recent results]]}; [#bd4e8295]
-[[Dr. Blanchard, Dr. T.Tanaka, Dr.Hirori, Prof. Tanaka and our collaborators from Hiroshima Univ. and Olympus Corp. succeeded in the development of Real-time terahertz near-field microscope.(Optics Express):]] (2011.4.15)

-[[Dr. Hishida and other members of the iCeMS Tanaka group clarify the hydration state of phospholipid bilayers precisely by terahertz spectroscopy. In this study water perturbed by a lipid membrane is detected sensitively from the observation of the relaxation dynamics of water molecules in the subpicosecond time scale (Phys. Rev. Lett.).:]] (2011.4.15)

-[[広理助教、Blanchard研究員、土井研究員、田中教授が、1 MV/cm 以上の電場強度をもつ高強度テラヘルツ光の発生に成功しました。テラヘルツ非線形分光への展開が期待されます。Appl. Phys. Lett.に掲載されました。:]] (2011.3.1)

-[[篠北君(D1)、広理助教、永井助教、田中教授、と広島大学のグループが、高強度テラヘルツ光をもちいた「動的フランツケルディッシュ効果」の観測に成功しました。半導体の光学スペクトルをテラヘルツ光で巨大に変調することが可能であり、テラヘルツー光スイッチへの応用展開が期待されます。Appl. Phys. Lett.に掲載されました。:]] (2010.11.21)

-[[ジェワリア博士(卒業生)、永井助教、田中教授が、高強度テラヘルツ光をもちいた「階段かけあがり」の実験に成功しました。アミノ酸結晶で非調和性が顕著に見える大振幅振動を観測しました。Phys. Rev. Lett.に掲載されました。:]] (2010.11.11)

-[[Prof. Tanaka took part in the English interview about what brought him to be a scientist on the Session &color(white,blue){ iCeMS Cross Talk }; :]] (2010.10.29)
-[[土井研究員,Blanchard研究員、広理助教が、高強度テラヘルツ光をもちいたテラヘルツ近接場顕微鏡の構築に成功しました、アミノ酸結晶から、コヒーレントな光が発生していく様子が近接場で可視化されています。最新号のOptics Express に掲載されました。:]] (2010.08.13)
[[&ref(teratech_hp.gif,nolink,TeraTech Homepage);>]]  [[&ref(icems_logo.gif,nolink,iCeMS Homepage);>]]  [[&ref(gcoe_logo.png,nolink,GCOE program);>]]
***&size(14){[[Resent research results>Recent results]]}; [#bd4e8295]

[[&ref(teratech_hp.gif,nolink,TeraTech Homepage);>]]  [[&ref(gcoe_logo.png,nolink,GCOE program);>]]  [[&ref(cemilogo.gif,nolink,50%,CeMI Homepage);>]]  [[&ref(icems.gif,nolink,iCeMS Homepage);>]]  [[&ref(univ.gif,nolink,Kyoto University Homepage);>]]  