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Backup diff of Solid State Spectroscopy Group (No. 32)

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***&size(14){&color(blue){''OTST 2013 official website is open.''};}; [#w133d361]
***&size(14){&color(blue){''Visit new iCeMS Tanaka Group webpage and learn what is going on in our laboratory!''};}; [#k33799b0]
***&size(14){&color(blue){''Visit iCeMS Tanaka Group new webpage and learn what is going on in our laboratory!''};}; [#k33799b0]
***&size(14){&color(blue){''For international students''};}; [#r86d9871]
We welcome you to join us to study terahertz optical science for your PhD or research project. Please contact Prof. Dr. Koichiro Tanaka (kochan[at] or Associate Prof. Dr. Nobuko Naka (naka[at] for further details.
***&size(14){&color(black){''Highlight''};}; [#d8dee623]
-Our paper (Dr. Hirori et al.) is accepted for publication in Nature Communications!~
H.Hirori, K.Shinokita, M.Shirai, S.Tani, Y.Kadoya, and K.Tanaka "Extraordinary Carrier Multiplication Gated by a Picosecond Electric Field Pulse"

-[[Dr.Hirori's paper about High-power THz generation:]] was picked up on the Nature Photonics as "Our choise form the recent literature".(2011.4.29)
---[[Nature Photonics 5, 250–251 (2011); doi:10.1038/nphoton.2011.77:]]

-This year's spring-joint seminar camp (Kyoto Univ. and Osaka Univ.) was held in Ikoma, Nara prefecture(2011.4.15,16).

-[[Dr. Blanchard, Dr. T.Tanaka, Dr.Hirori, Prof. Tanaka and our collaborators from Hiroshima Univ. and Olympus Corp. succeeded in the development of Real-time terahertz near-field microscope (Optics Express).:]] (2011.4.15)

-[[Dr. Hishida and other members of the iCeMS Tanaka group clarified the hydration state of phospholipid bilayers precisely by terahertz spectroscopy. In this study water perturbed by a lipid membrane is detected sensitively from the observation of the relaxation dynamics of water molecules in the subpicosecond time scale (Phys. Rev. Lett.).:]] (2011.4.15)

-[[Dr. Hirori, Dr. Blanchard, Dr. Doi and Prof. Tanaka released a paper titled "Single-cycle terahertz pulses with amplitudes exceeding 1 MV/cm generated by optical rectification in LiNbO3" (Appl.Phys.Lett.)".:]] (2011.3.1)

-[[PhD student Shinokita, Dr.Hirori, Dr.Nagai, Prof.Tanaka and our collaborator from Hiroshima Univ.released a paper titled "Dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect in GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells induced by single-cycle terahertz pulses"(Appl. Phys. Lett.).:]] (2010.11.21)

-[[Dr. Jewariya, Dr. Nagai and Prof. Tanaka released a paper titled "Ladder Climbing on the Anharmonic Intermolecular Potential in an Amino Acid Microcrystal via an Intense Monocycle Terahertz Pulse" (Phys. Rev. Lett.).:]] (2010.11.11)
Please refer to the pdf document below.

-[[Prof. Tanaka took part in the English interview about what brought him to be a scientist during the iCeMS Cross Talk Session.:]] (2010.10.29)

-[[Dr. Doi, Dr. Blanchard, Dr. Hirori and Prof. Tanaka released a paper titled "Near-field THz imaging of free induction decay from a tyrosine crystal" (Optics Express):]] (2010.08.13)

***&size(14){[[Resent research results>Recent results]]}; [#bd4e8295]
[[&ref(teratech_hp.gif,nolink,TeraTech Homepage);>]]  [[&ref(gcoe_logo.png,nolink,GCOE program);>]]  [[&ref(cemilogo.gif,nolink,50%,CeMI Homepage);>]]  [[&ref(icems.gif,nolink,iCeMS Homepage);>]]  [[&ref(univ.gif,nolink,Kyoto University Homepage);>]]  