*戸田 倫太朗 [#d783e341]
**研究活動 [#n7e4ce32]
***国際学会 [#obe5d430]
++R. Toda, K. Konishi, D. E. P. Vanpoucke, and N. Naka
"Photon Broadening Effect on the Excitonic Luminescence i...
14th International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Car...
***国内学会 [#s4de37b5]
+戸田倫太朗, R. Gillet, M.-A. Pinault-Thaury, 中暢子, J. ...
日本物理学会 第76回年次大会 (2021).
***受賞 [#c8ffcd16]
+ 14th International Conference on New Diamond and Nano C...
Gold Medal of Young Scholar Award (Poster)
*戸田 倫太朗 [#d783e341]
**研究活動 [#n7e4ce32]
***国際学会 [#obe5d430]
++R. Toda, K. Konishi, D. E. P. Vanpoucke, and N. Naka
"Photon Broadening Effect on the Excitonic Luminescence i...
14th International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Car...
***国内学会 [#s4de37b5]
+戸田倫太朗, R. Gillet, M.-A. Pinault-Thaury, 中暢子, J. ...
日本物理学会 第76回年次大会 (2021).
***受賞 [#c8ffcd16]
+ 14th International Conference on New Diamond and Nano C...
Gold Medal of Young Scholar Award (Poster)